Are Brits or Americans more polite? Let's see!

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The US and UK have rather different styles of politeness. Find out about them in this video. In American English it's often important to show warmth and frie...

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  • Great to hear from You Robbie!

    The British accent sounds very normal to me, but I'm delighted to hear some people might think it sounds sexy.  

    It was lovely to learn more about the Philippines. Thank you!

  • I just love Jay's Southern accent! Don't get me wrong, Ms Vicki, I also love the British accent such as Scottish accent and Received Pronunciation in general. :) Many people say the British accent sounds sexy. Are you in favor of that? 

    In my country though, most Filipinos are generally friendly and hospitable. But these times, with the advancement of technology, people glued their eyes on their gadgets or listening with their headphones on so there's a limited opportunity for casual conversation with other commuters. 

    On the other hand, I don't think you need to 'fish for compliments' because you're a kind and caring woman. :)

    Thank you for this informative video and have a fantastic weekend to the both of you!


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