Although, though, even though, in spite of, despite

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  • Wow!! Clear explanation! I need this. Thank you so much, Teacher Edjerson. :)

    My example:
    In spite of having many cars, he likes walking around.
    I will keep trying even though they said it is impossible.
    The book is very expensive. I bought it though.

    Let me know if I made a mistake. Btw,,I have a question. What about notwithstanding? Would you please to give us example for that? Thank you :)
  • Eu estou Feliz meu amigo, muito obrigado! Educational! Thanks for sharing!
  • Hi Enas! Thank you very much for your feedback. Actually, I´m learning how to manage these tools, next it´ll be better I promise. 

  • thanks for this value information, and u do a great job but I think there is a problem with the sound

  • Excellent example Robbie! Thank you for sharing it!

  • Dekuji moc Vlad. I´m glad for that! 

  • Thank you it's very helpful for me.
  • Although the flood engulfed the entire city, the authorities were managed to rescue all civilians. 

    Thank you for sharing your lessons about linking devices, Edjerson! This would be helpful to the English learners of our club.

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