Aint gonna happen

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"Ain't gonna happen" is very casual and means "That's impossible". 'Ain't' is a way of saying 'isn't'. People belived that putting a man on the moon or rocke...

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  • Mr. Bob, I didn't do a thing! It worked for me…technology is like that and sometimes I just let it sort itself out! Have a good one!

  • Now it worked just fine. Same iPad and same network. Thanks
  • Hi Katie,
    I tried to play your video. Ain't gonna happen, at least not today. "Invalid parameters" is the only message I got. How would YouTube even know if the parameters were invalids or not?
  • Well, I would say that I have to agree with you Robbie. Although the way genetic engineering is going---well, who knows!!! Have a wonderful day/evening!

  • A dolphin that can fly and with wings? Ain't gonna happen! Thank you for sharing your video, Teacher Katie! :)

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