Adele - Hello

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She's back with the much-awaited album, with an incredible vocal performance as always. All rights reserved to Adele. This video is shared for English-learning purposes.‘Hello' is taken from the new album, 25, out November 20. Pre-order from iTunes Pre-order from Amazon http://sma...

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  • You're welcome, Ehab! I'm glad you liked this video, too. :)

  • very nice and fantastic  my friend thank you 

  • Indeed, Tomdi! This is a powerful ballad! Thanks for commenting. :)

  • That is a nice piece from Adele. Her video is heart touching.

  • Hi, Tara!

    I love this song because of its simplicity, yet a lot of people can relate to it. I was infected with LSS (Last Song Syndrome) when I heard this music for the first time. Adele's proven that her amazing voice and pure talent are what it takes to be a huge star. I also love the fact that she's proper and classy whenever she performs. It's funny a lot of pop stars these days need to show more skin to get a lot of attention.

    Thank you for the feature!

    Robbie :)

  • This song sure is getting a lot of airplay here in Canada! What is it about this song that makes you love (or hate) it? 

    airplay: broadcasting time on the radio

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