A thief converted to Islam

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  • I am so glad to see your pleasant comment here. It enriches the post a lot. Thank you so much dear Onee-chan.

  • I'm so touched, and moved to tears, too, Sir. I wish Allah would guide him to the best way for living.

    Thank you for sharing.

  • fiqh islam@The video is so simple. You can sum it up in two sentences :be kind and generous then you will gain the love of people .People are not criminals by their nature but there are always circumstances which force them to bad people .
    Thank you for your nice comment , I appreciate it.

  • I am moved to tear by seeing such a wonderful video .I think that the most important thing in life is, how to help others to live to and keep their dignity , even if this means that we have to give up some of our properties as far as possible because we lose something to win another that is a real Islam .It is a simple story, but we need to think over what the righteous man does, it may help us to set ourselves on right path of Islam , Islam not bemoaning and weeping as Shia  do ,or killing people on the pretext of calming Jihad as always some of sects do .It is elevated thoughts for all humanity.

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