A marriage

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I found this video by chance.My heart has been touched by this written words.Sometimes we do not appreciate what we have together and we realize it only when it is too late.

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  • I felt the same when I watched this video, Salma Ibrahim.

  • Oh Rose! I was fighting back tears as I watched your video. I'm feeling so bitter right now. Thank you for sharing this great lesson.

  • Yes, that's heart touching, Mishaikh.

    Thanks for watching.

  • Thanks for your comment, Robbie.

    Yes, people neglect too quickly what they have. Not only in case of a marriage.

    They lose the view on the important things in life. They are bored and forget that everything they do also has an impact on others. The most they harm people which love them.

  • Heart touching!


  • Incredible story with a tough lesson especially to the husband. Shame on him for neglecting his wife and their marriage. Truly, this clip is worth a hat's off. Thank you for sharing, Ms. Rose!

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