A Little Princess Sara Sad Arabic Piano Version By Ahmed سالي بيانو

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A Little Princess Sara Sad Arabic Piano Version By Ahmed سالي بيانو موسيقى كارتون سالي عزف صولو بيانو الإصدار الحزين عمل و اعداد البيانو الفنان أحمد محمد


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  • Aha ! I read the little princess in English long time ago . Sara was a girl who studied at school in England .At school, everyone treated her like a princess because her father was rich .Her father had a diamond mine in India . When her father died , she became a servant at school . She needed to work hard . One day , she found a girl who didn't have shoes by the roadside , Sara gave her shoes to that girl . Sara didn't have enough good food to eat but she always gave her food to a friend who was sick .In the end , a friend of her father found her .

    She inherited a lot of money from her father. Is it the same story in your video ? :))

    I like the song..only feel it 's sad ;(

  • oh really :D. well it's a sad cartoon actually surawan, about a little girl lived a very sad poor life and then after all what she went through they find out that she was a princess and that she inhered a big amount of money from her father who left in India. the music makes you want to cry that's true :) but I like it. 

  • I have never seen this cartoon and I don't understand the meaning of the song .

    I feel it 's a sad song and I stopped listening in the middle ;(


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