A comedy of a Japanese English teacher in old days

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I don't recommend English learners to be taught English by him.

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  •    U are welcome Tam :)

  • Thank you for sharing the link, Rosemary. It is very interesting. The difference between my video and yours is that the teacher in my video has a problem with his English, on the other hand, it is the students in your video who have a problem with their English.

  • Rosemary :) , Yes , you are right absolutely , what a wonderful attitude Mr brown had and what amazing actors all of them were , i have also watched it on the YouTube channel and its quite a short series , i wished it was longer , i loved how the Japanese guy in that series always does the ''Asu'' whenever he was about to say something lol. 

  •    Hi Knight  , I liked Mr Brown the teacher attitude  , I even saw them on a youtube channel now in an old age especially the French girl . They presented a wonderful work a comedy of a different kind :)

  • Rosemary :) , Indeed your right , I have completed the Mind your language series and they are one of the best series , shows different cultures and people from different countries merged in one class and the funny aspects of it are awesome and a joy to watch.

  • Lol thats quite hilarious.

  • This reminds me of the British TV series Mind ur language , which shows the diversity of cultures in an English class :) I don't know about or not . Here is the link https://youtu.be/vhd1IqNM3M8
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