8 words that are hard to pronounce in English

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We're back with another eight words that are hard to pronounce in British and American English. Watch some English learners pronounce them and learn how Vick...

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  • Quiet helpful! Thank you!

  • Hello Robbie and Roman. A couple of Americans have written to me to say that say say fridge like me. I think it's just Jay who doesn't, so go ahead and say fridge. It's much easy to pronounce.

    And yes, awry is tricky. As you saw in the video, we use it to describe plans that go wrong, and we can also use awry to mean crooked. For example, if your hair is awry, it's not in the right position.

  • Hi Vicki and Jay!

    Only one of those words (awry) was difficult to pronounce for me. Probably because I had never heard it before.

    About the words, that it is difficult to pronounce them for me, I am sure, there are some, but right now I can't recall any.

    So, I will try to type them down on a paper next time when I notice them.

    Thank you for sharing this video!

    Have a nice week, Jay and Vicki!

  • The adjective 'awry' beats me! It's a bit tricky :P... On the other hand, I thought 'fridge' is an American term. I'm glad you emphasized it clearly, Vicky! Thanks for the new words! I hope my English language techniques would not go awry!

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