#5 Toys. What's this? ☆English Joy☆

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It's a mini lesson made for little learners to remember toys names. It contains interesting games! Enjoy English with ☆English Joy☆ Subscribe!

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  • Ario, both actually:) I started making videos to awake my students' new fresh interest to English. They really enjoy the process! And I'm happy to share the result of this process with anyone who will find our mini lessons useful! 

  • Did you make the video for your class or for general young learners?

  • Thank you, ParisHanoi!3078161961?profile=original

  • So cute!

  • Thank you, Idriss:)

  • i need a partner who talk with me i want to  improve my english 

    my skype id is


  • Tara, thank you very much! I'm really glad you like it:)
  • Wow! This is a fantastic video for young learners. I'm so impressed! 

  • Wow) I'm so pleased to hear that! You are absolutely right, my students inspire me all the time!
  • I bet your adorable students taught you to be inspired to always come up with excellent videos! Thank you for sharing them on the club, Teacher Stacy! :)

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