5 Surprising Health Benefits of Indoor Plants

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It's better to have plants indoors to compensate the pollution we're having in the city.Click here to SUBSCRIBE: http://bejoyo.us/jh1sub Check out the full post here: http://bejoyo.us/1NfRIeg Get our FREE Healthy Breakfast Guide: http://bejoyo.u...

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  • Hello, Valentina!

    I'm glad you like indoor plants! I'm full of the joys of spring to revive my garden. I've added some new plants in my patio such as coleuses and evergreens. I've also planted different varieties of herbs, and I realized I love basil, peppermint and parsley so I'd try to propagate more of them as much as possible.

    Thanks a lot for commenting! Wishing you a meaningful new week ahead!

    Take care,

    Robbie :)

  • A nice video, and what is more, it is informative. Thank you, Robbie. I like indoor plants myself:)

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