2016 Happy Holidays Review: Learn English With Simple English Videos

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Watch some of our favourite clips of 2016 and learn a little bit about how we made them. A big thank you to all our viewers this year for all your support an...

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  • Thank you so much Valentina! Wishing you a very merry Christmas and a happy new year.

  • It's incredible! You are doing immensely great job. I really appreciate it very much. Thank you. I wish you inexaustible inspiration and, of course, well-being and a lot of happiness. Happy holidays, dear Jay, and a lot of presents from Santa! Merry Christmas, dear Vicky (You've got a royal name), and a lot of presents from Father Christmas!=)3078179329?profile=original 

  • Thank you so much Robbie and Onee-chan. Wishing you and everyone in English Club a very happy holidays and a wonderful new year.

  • Teacher Vicki and Jay,

    You look very awesome there in the video. Your review video made me want to watch again because somehow, I often forget the lesson when I don't use it. ^^ 

    Teacher Rachel, Kathy, and cute Carter also look awesome there. I'm so happy that I can get the lesson from all of you teachers. 

    Happy Holiday and wish you both a great December! ^_^

  • What an amazing year this has been to both of you! Happy Christmas! :)

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