10 second IQ test

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How many F's do you see? I'm curious whether English learners will see more F's than English teachers. I only saw 3. Does this really indicate IQ? What do you think?

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  • hi dear Tara,

    i could see 4 F's.am i clever?  ....well...maybe..

  • By the way, I don't think it really indicates IQ.


    Thanks a million for sharing Tara!

  • I saw three in first read because I was at middle of the sentence, making sure whether I counted every F in first half of the sentence, when the clip changes. I didn't pay attention to the fact that it's only a 10 second IQ test. ^_^


    However, I was able to count all six in my second attempt.


    Don't say anything, I know second attempt is not allowed. ^_^

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