10 HOLD Phrasal Verbs

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All rights reserved to Teacher Adam and to http://www.engvid.com">http://www.engvid.com This video is being shared for English learning purpose.Hold on to your hats! Excitement is on the way. In this English lesson, we'll go over some uses of "hold + prepositions" so you know when to grab something, or just wait (like on the phone). Do you know when to 'hold on', and when to 'hold back'? What do you do in a 'hold up'? You'll learn these phrases and many others.Can you write a sentence using those phrasal verbs above?My Example:"Hold it Against Me" is one of hit singles of Britney Spears in her dance album called Femme Fatale.

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  • Thank you for the comment, TenBillion! Welcome to the club!

  • Thanks for your good lecture.
  • Thank you for the comment, Niki! :P

  • Nice video :)
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