10 Common Expressions in English

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In this lesson you will learn 10 very common English expressions used in everyday conversation. All rights reserved to engVid.com and to the respective owners. This video is presented for learning purposes only.What's your favorite among 10 expressions in English?I liked 24/7!Example: I wish I can be on-line on MyEC 24/7!Thanks for watching. : )

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  • Thank you for commenting, Larbi Bekka! ☺

  • I'm glad you found this video useful, Tawfeeq! Thank you for taking the time in watching this video. I appreciate your comment. Have a great week! : )

  • thank you , it is so useful .

  • Hi Asma,

      Thank you for commenting and for watching this video. I appreciate it! I hope you'll find a way to resolve your money issue. Lol!

      Have a great time always...


  • Thanks Robbie for sharing with us this useful video.....well my favorite one is  I'm broke  because I haven't money now...LOL

  • Thank you for watching this video and for picking an English expression, Amro! : )

  • Hi Galina,

      That's a handful of English expressions you've left on the comment box below. Thanks for sharing your views. Glad to read it! I liked the third expression, though. Maybe some students tend to give up studying because of the said reasons. If only they knew how important education is.

      Thanks again for the comment and have a great weekend!



  • Thanks for leaving a comment, Ayako! : )

  • You're welcome, Wadarig! Thanks for watching this video. : )

  • Robbie, thanks  for 10 common expressions....some of them I know, but some I've heard for the first time, e. g.   get the ball rolling,     sleep on it,     like the back of my hand

    These are some examples....

    Take it easy Pictures, Images and Photos

    24|7 Pictures, Images and Photos

    sick and tired Pictures, Images and Photos



    im broke Pictures, Images and Photos

     Robbie, thanks a lot for sharing.

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