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This is casino of Hotel Bellagio where I was staying on the 34th floor. I didn't gamble. I visited Vegas second time. Did you read my blog Jackpot based one some of observation during last visit?
Ohoho!!! I saw something similar only in the movies... Did you say hundredS? :) And this hole is like in the great palace, to make people feel comfort! Thank you for sharing!
Unexpectedly for me, I found a really high-quality and really reliable casino api thanks to this service. Using this api, I was able to flexibly adjust it to the needs of my online casino site, and thanks to this api, my online casino site got the best slot machines! That is why I recommend this site and its api to you.
Just curious why twice? :)
What were you doing in this place, Mishaikh??
Let's see Estanis what destiny does.
It is the early morning time, that is why it looks deserted.
I took the pictures of other spots also in the casino, but the lighting was so much that I could no make a good view of them. So I deleted.
Ohoho!!! I saw something similar only in the movies... Did you say hundredS? :) And this hole is like in the great palace, to make people feel comfort! Thank you for sharing!