
Friends (17)

  • Emre Alamur

    GenderMale LocationIzmir Birthday:June 25 My Favourite Saying(s) [in English!]It does not matter how slowly you go as long as you do not stop
  • Mariana

    GenderFemale LocationBogor Birthday:January 24 My Favourite Saying(s) [in English!]Don't follow the majority, follow the right things.
  • Mehry

    GenderFemale LocationBaku Birthday:March 12 My Favourite Saying(s) [in English!]Keep yourself curiours
  • Maria Yardena

    GenderFemale LocationNoida Birthday:December 29 My Favourite Saying(s) [in English!]English
  • Hyean

    GenderFemale LocationGuangdong Birthday:May 20 My Favourite Saying(s) [in English!]Honesty is the best way to make friends.
  • Zahra

    GenderFemale LocationS Birthday:May 29 My Favourite Saying(s) [in English!]Better late than never
  • O. M.

    GenderFemale Location$$$ My Favourite Saying(s) [in English!]No
  • Josi A

    GenderFemale LocationPiauí Birthday:July 19 My Favourite Saying(s) [in English!]several phrases.
  • esra

    GenderFemale Locationbahrain Birthday:March 22
  • Salem

    GenderMale LocationMelbourne Birthday:October 1
  • Onee-chan

    GenderFemale LocationSurabaya Birthday:March 19 My Favourite Saying(s) [in English!]"Allah's love is perfectly beautiful"
  • _✿HONEY_BÉÉ✿_

    GenderFemale LocationSpace beehive My Favourite Saying(s) [in English!]I did't fall. The floor needed my hugs :)
  • Estanis

    GenderMale LocationSpain Birthday:April 10 My Favourite Saying(s) [in English!]Today I don't have a motivational quote, if you want to give up, give up.
  • salah gammaa

    GenderMale LocationUmdurman Birthday:March 6 My Favourite Saying(s) [in English!]those who live to see will see!
  • Tam

    GenderMale LocationTokyo My Favourite Saying(s) [in English!]Do my best every day
  • Soul.

    GenderFemale LocationCDMX My Favourite Saying(s) [in English!]A friend in a need is a friend indeed
  • Fizzy

    GenderFemale LocationKuala Lumpur My Favourite Saying(s) [in English!]really