
Friends (10)

  • Abdullahi mohamed Ahmed

    GenderMale LocationMogadishu, Banadir Birthday:April 12 My Favourite Saying(s) [in English!]What's up?
  • Jay

    GenderFemale LocationToronto My Favourite Saying(s) [in English!]Nice to meet you
  • Sara Fin

    GenderFemale Locationjunin, buenos aires Birthday:October 13 My Favourite Saying(s) [in English!]none
  • Kimson Hollen

    GenderMale LocationFloral Park, NY Birthday:November 20 My Favourite Saying(s) [in English!]Your guess is as good as mine
  • Mohammad

    GenderMale LocationIslamic Republic of IRAN Age:29 Birthday:July 21 My Favourite Saying(s) [in English!]What are you looking for? | No
  • Shaheen

    GenderMale LocationChittagong My Favourite Saying(s) [in English!]Beauty is in the eye of the beholder
  • salah gammaa

    GenderMale LocationUmdurman Birthday:March 6 My Favourite Saying(s) [in English!]those who live to see will see!
  • Neseme ostimer

    GenderFemale Locationalmaty Birthday:March 21
  • Gabriel Sowrian

    LocationPenang My Favourite Saying(s) [in English!]Nothing is impossible to a willing heart!
  • Hala J.M

    GenderFemale LocationDamascus My Favourite Saying(s) [in English!]Never bend your head, always hold it high . Look the world straight in the eye.