
Friends (24)

  • bhanthe

    GenderMale Locationanuradhapura Birthday:January 10 My Favourite Saying(s) [in English!]My favourite is finding the truth.
  • Jane Hudson

    GenderFemale LocationBradford West Yorkshire Birthday:April 27 My Favourite Saying(s) [in English!]If at first you don't succeed pick your self up & try again and again you will get there one day.
  • Kareem

    GenderMale LocationAlexandria Birthday:May 13 My Favourite Saying(s) [in English!]Not today!
  • MumbaiAnselm

    GenderMale LocationMumbai Birthday:January 10 My Favourite Saying(s) [in English!]Shakespeare
  • Lora Marshal

    GenderFemale LocationBrooklyn, NY Birthday:July 2 My Favourite Saying(s) [in English!]fake it till you make it
  • Firdos

    GenderMale LocationA.K.P Birthday:January 2 My Favourite Saying(s) [in English!]book
  • Bills Khan

    GenderMale LocationHyderabad Birthday:April 5 My Favourite Saying(s) [in English!]If you are the smartest person in the room, so you are in the wrong room!
  • Robert Monical

    GenderMale LocationArlington, VA Birthday:February 18 My Favourite Saying(s) [in English!]Life happens
  • Lily Armour

    GenderFemale LocationSaint Louis, MO Birthday:May 24 My Favourite Saying(s) [in English!]Shoot for the stars!
  • Aleya Viktoriia

    GenderFemale LocationOdessa Birthday:June 10 My Favourite Saying(s) [in English!]To be or not to be
  • Md Morshed Alam

    GenderMale LocationJashore Birthday:September 9 My Favourite Saying(s) [in English!]Hello
  • Gabriel Bustamante Najera

    GenderMale LocationCartagena Birthday:October 4 My Favourite Saying(s) [in English!]no
  • Candyn

    GenderFemale LocationNam Dinh City Birthday:May 23 My Favourite Saying(s) [in English!]Everything will be OK
  • Othman majidi

    GenderMale LocationRabat Birthday:November 22 My Favourite Saying(s) [in English!]I like anything is cool 😊
  • SengDang Lee

    GenderMale Locationshenyang Birthday:October 27 My Favourite Saying(s) [in English!]Never give up
  • abiola bawauh

    GenderFemale LocationLos Angeles, CA Birthday:November 14 My Favourite Saying(s) [in English!]good
  • Adriano Martelli

    GenderMale LocationVineyard My Favourite Saying(s) [in English!]Hello
  • MARY

    GenderFemale LocationLa La Land My Favourite Saying(s) [in English!]"I look at the world through the wrong end of a telescope" -Dr. Seuss // "It's not denial. I'm just selective about the reality I accept" -Calvin & Hobbes // “We're all mad here" -Alice / Lewis Carroll