
Friends (6)

  • Josef Essberger

    GenderMale LocationCambridge, UK My Favourite Saying(s) [in English!]Two plus two still makes four.
  • Mrs Sia

    GenderFemale LocationSOUTH OF EUROPE My Favourite Saying(s) [in English!]The only I need and always needed was to love somebody and love me too. Nothing has changed .
  • salah gammaa

    GenderMale LocationUmdurman Birthday:March 6 My Favourite Saying(s) [in English!]those who live to see will see!
  • Gabriel Sowrian

    LocationPenang My Favourite Saying(s) [in English!]Nothing is impossible to a willing heart!
  • saffron

    GenderMale LocationPuttalam
  • salim

    GenderMale Locationtaza Birthday:July 12