Darek Darek tweeted
May 9, 2023
Hi everyone !!!! This webside seems to be to complex to use it. :) I can't find anything here. Am I stupid ? Or just it's not clear in use

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  • You have tabs across the top to guide you. There are no public Skype IDs. You can search Groups to find other users who want to Skype. I understand there are several groups there.
  • Hi, Darek! Perhaps, I can take you for a tour around here. You need to meet me on Skype first. I'll be sharing my computer screen there with you as I explain about this club.
    • Where I can find your skype id ?  This webside is made wrong , its not clear.


  • Oi da amateur boy of this Web site ...Huh. It's not complex..Thou need a trainer to learn sometin' ..! huh...Yep, partially you're stupid. huh
  • Hello! Welcome to the club.
    To learn English, This website just hit exactly the right note. Explore!
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