salah gammaa tweeted
Aug 8, 2024
The rain clattered hard on our roof. By the way, where does the rain come from, the sea or the land?

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  • Rain occurs over both the sea and the land. The process begins with the evaporation of water from oceans, lakes, rivers, and the land. This water vapor rises into the atmosphere, cooling and condensing to form clouds. When the clouds have collected enough water droplets, they will drop down to the Earth's surface as rain, hail, or snow.

    • Thank you very much for the valuable information regarding the rain and how it comes. I hope to be one of your friends. Thanks again.

  • I learned it when I was a teen from.a funny song))

    • Muchas muchas gracias senior Estanis. Some songs bear important information, I agree. Thanks, handsome man for your kind comment. I appreciate it.

  • Mostly, the sea. Seawater evaporates and becomes water vapor. It rises to the sky and becomes clouds. Clouds make rain and it falls down on the ground and the sea.
    • Kunichiwa Tam, that is what happens in nature. It goes up from the sea and comes down again to it and the land. Thanks, Tam for your comment.

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