My best school memories is play the band in school Festival.The Band name is 「annny」「annny」Formed was the 2 years ago of April.Memberships is Vocal YUI,Guitar&Chorus AIMI,Guitar NAMI, Dram NATUMI, base NACHI.In all 5 people!!!Managers are three people they name isKUMI,AYUKO,MOE!!!!In all name is ANNNYKAM.I Challenge the base for the first time that is difficult .But I hard practice the base everyday.The result considerably more play.We did first stage March 15 2007.Until stage for the duration of performancepractice hard everyday in school and my house and studio.The stage is splendid success !!!my school friends were many to came and saw.I was very happy and enjoy.Last culture festival is the best my memories.For before many month music to choose.We played ballade,pop music,parody of a song,original music.For the guest seating clapping hands to occur .At the last moment encore to occur .We were to reply that to play encore song"Summer Song"That song is play the most good feeling.Until I was started music to pass 2year.I love music and "ANNNY" and to assistance friends too.After this to continue band activity.This 5 people have a lot memory!I want to introduction eventually a few memory .1-year -We were chewed everyday In class becausewe were loud.But enjoyabled everyday.Painful and sad event to common use .I love ANNNY.
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