paridul azwar hasibuan's Posts (4)

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Picture : Fruit Gods Crown



Tree Crown god (Phaleria macrocarpa) is known as one of medicinal plants in Indonesia. Originally from Papua / Irian Jaya. Crown god is a plant species that grow and grow throughout the year, It is able to reach a height of 3-4m.Batang sap consists of greenish brown skin and white wood rod, It is rooted Tunjang

Properties & Benefits

1. Meat Fruit and Fruit Leather: treat dysentery, psoriasis & acne.
2. Leaves and Seeds: treat various types of skin disease such as ekzim & itching.
3. Fruit: anti-tumor, anti-dysentery, anti-insect, treat eczema, hepatotoxic & antibodies.

Between the Disease That Can Healed With Mixed Mahkota Dewa

1. Kanser & Tumors
2. Eczema (Skin Diseases)
3. Diabetes Mellitus (Diabetes)
4. Hipertansi (High Blood)
5. Hepatitis (Liver Inflammation)
6. Rheumatic (Joints Pain)
7. Uric acid (Gout Arthritis)
8. Heart Disease
9. Kidney Disorders

- a portion of fruit seeds are particularly toxic, It is necessary in boiled before eating.
- Pregnant women are prohibited from taking the results of this processing plant.

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    The ghost is  kind of  controversial’s creature . Why? Because since a long time ago his existence always became humankind's debate. The uniqueness although being debated but almost each one of his inhabitants's countries knewthe ghost in a heterogenous manner  nameand  nickname. So, the  question is


Please  give  your  comment  or response to be discussed.Thank you !

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why is english difficult for student in countries with  non native speaker ?


Do you know in some countries where english is not mother land language, english subjects like a "ghost". Most students have no brief to use english when comunicating with their relative
or friends. They don’t have self confidence to speak English. Poor things !!!...

Do you have any opinion or argument why it’s happened ? Of course, I’ll be glad to receive and read your comment. Thanks !

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