Tam's Posts (134)

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She is the Miss Japan in 2024. Her parents are Ukrainian. She raised in Japan from five years old. She acquired Japanese nationality one year ago. Some Japanese people think that she is very beautiful but she doesn't represent Japanese women. She says that her personality is Japanese though her figure is not like a Japanese woman. What do you think about her win?


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There was a famous Japanese master of Japanese martial arts. He had a lot of disciples. One day, they were separated into two groups and argued. One group went to the master and told him about the other group's faults. The other group did the same thing. Both groups asked the master which group was right. The master thundered out to them, "You only talked about the faults of others and didn't talk about your own faults." He said, "When everybody admits their own faults first,  there will be no fight. Everybody must realize their own faults before blaming their opponent." The disciples listened to the words and admited their own faults. After that, the disciples got along together.

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The G7 summit was held from 19 May to 21 May in Hiroshima, Japan. The main themes are about the support of Ukraine fighting against Russian invasion, the support of developing countries being seriously affected by the Russia-Ukraine war such as grain shortage and soaring grain prices, and making a new supply chain that doesn't depend on China considering risk management.

After the Russian invasion of Ukraine, Russia has threatened Western countries who support Ukraine by implying Russia could use nuclear weapons. Russia have raised the possibility of a nuclear war. In this situation, the Japanese prime minister Kishida, whose ancestors are from Hiroshima, decided to hold G7 summit in Hiroshima because he thought that Hiroshima was the best place from where the message of the nuclear threat and nuclear abolition could be sent to the world. As you know, Hiroshima is the first place in which an atomic bomb was dropped.

It is very hard to make a world without nuclear weapons. To make that kind of world, all countries must give up nuclear weapons at the same time and swear not to have them forever. In addition, we must create an international organization that monitors the possession of nuclear weapons and has strong power.

How do you feel about the message from Hiroshima? Is it just an ideal in the clouds? Or we can make a world without nuclear weapons someday?


G7 leaders laid flowers at the Hiroshima Peace Memorial Park.


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Russia underestimated Ukraine and Ukraine mistook Russia. Russia invaded Ukraine because of that. The Ukraine government wasn't fully ready for the invasion. For example, because they use weapons made in the former Soviet Union, they had to retrain their soldiers to use weapons made in Western Countries provided by them. The width of the train rails is different between Western countries and Ukraine, so when relief supplies from Western countries had to be carried to Ukraine by trains, those supplies need to be transshipped to Ukraine trains at the borders of Ukraine. It has taken a lot of time for Ukraine to have support from Western countries. Many Ukraine people died in the meanwhile.

Governments must be always ready for the worst situation to protect their people's lives and property.

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Three weeks have passed since the Russian army invaded Ukraine. It is said that Putin was going to occupy the capital of Ukraine, Kyiv, in two days, but the Ukraine army is stronger than he expected and the Russian soldiers are not as strong as he expected. Putin seems to be angry about this situation and seems to be becoming crueler. His decision is killing many people including Ukrainian citizens and children. The Russian army is destroying Ukrainian towns including hospitals and schools.

In Russia, he controls speech and information, therefore most Russian people don't know the truth. Moreover, they are suffering from high inflation and supply shortages because of strict financial sanctions invoked by the U.S, Europe, and many other countries.  

What Putin got as far are blame from around the world, stiff opposition of the Ukrainian people, and complaints from many Russian people including some Russian soldiers. So, the future of Putin has three possibilities. One is that he will be killed by the Russian army. Many Russian officers know that this invasion is very hard. Another is that he will be killed by the Russian people. They are badly oppressed by him. They may no longer be able to remain patient. The other is that he will be killed by his attendant. He may abandon Putin because of Putin's crazy thoughts and commands. 

Of course, if Putin stops this invasion and changes his crazy attitude, he may survive, but even then he would be removed from power.

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He is a True Hero

There is a bridge that connects Crimea to Ukraine. When Russian tanks tried to invade Ukraine by crossing this bridge, the Ukrainian army thought that they had no choice but to destroy this bridge to delay the invaiding Russian tanks. One man offered to put a land mine on the bridge, but he noticed that there wasn't time for him to run away after placing a bomb on the bridge. He decided to do it while risking his own life.

He telephoned his brothers to tell that he would place a land mine on the bridge. His brothers told him that they would fight against Russia as long as they were alive. The Ukraine army gave him a medal and the United Nation Ambassador of Ukraine said "A young Ukrainian soldier detonated a bomb by himself to prevent the Russian tanks from invading Ukraine. He sacrificed his life to destroy the bridge so that Russian tanks could not invade." 

He is a true hero. Glory to Ukraine!



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My fairy tale (The most worthy treasure)

Once upon a time, there was a king in a small country who had three sons. Because he couldn't decide which one he should resign his throne to, he said to his sons, "I will resign my throne to a son who brings me the most worthy treasure." So the three sons went off in quest of it. 

The eldest son went toward the west. After he walked for a month, he found a thick vine growing toward the sky. He climbed it until he arrived at a cloud and got down to the cloud. He wandered about until he found a big house where a ferocious giant lived and entered it. There seemed to be nobody in the house, so he looked for something worthy. After a few minutes, he found golden eggs on the table and a beautiful hen that sat up next to them. He thought that the hen must have laid them, so he decided to take it back. 

The second eldest son went toward the east. After he walked for a month, he arrived at a big village. He heard an interesting rumor there, which was that a dragon lived in the mountain at the east end of the village and if you ate a scale of the dragon, you could live forever. He had confidence in fighting, so he decided to fight the dragon and take his scale. After the fierce battle which lasted for a whole day, he beat the dragon and succeeded in taking a scale from it. 

The youngest son went toward the south. After he walked for a month, he arrived at a small village. He was very hungry, so he knocked at the door of a small house to ask for something to eat. An old man lived in the house. He invited him in and gladly gave him some bread and warm soup. After eating them, the youngest son noticed a beautiful girl sleeping on the bed. He asked the old man who she was. He said that she was his only daughter who had kept sleeping for a year. He approached her and looked at her face for a while. She was so beautiful, so he kissed her lips gently, and the girl opened her eyes slowly. The old man was so glad and asked him to marry his daughter. He gladly accepted the offer and decided to go back home with her. 

About three months later after the sons went off, they gathered at their father's palace with a treasure that they thought was the most worthy. They eagerly explained the worth of their treasures to their father. 

The eldest son said, "My treasure is a hen that lays golden eggs. Father, if you have this hen, you won't have trouble with money for life. You can buy everything you want."  

The second eldest son said, "My treasure is a dragon's scale. Father, if you eat it, you can live forever. You don't need to be afraid of death."  

The youngest son said, " My treasure is my beautiful wife. Father, if my wife gives birth to a child, your descendants will prosper for a long time. Your royal family will continue in the future." 

The king thought for a week about which son should be the next king. He thought that even if he had a lot of money and could buy everything he wanted, he would lose interest in a luxurious life someday and that even if he could live forever, he would be tired of living someday. He wanted his descendants to prosper for a long time and wanted his royal family to continue in the future. So he decided to resign his throne to his youngest son. The youngest son became the new king and his wife gave birth to a child. The former king's hope came true and his descendants prospered for a long time.

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Former U.S. president Donald Trump entered into a peace agreement with Islamic Fundamentalism, Taliban, last year. U.S. president Joe Biden followed the agreement and decided that the U.S. army would withdraw from Afghanistan by 31th August in 2021.

Taliban gained control of many cities in Afghanistan while the U.S. army was leaving Afghanistan, and surrounded the capital city of Afghanistan, Capul. Joe Biden didn't change his decision to leave Afghanistan even after this scenario unfolded. He said that the Afghanistan army was trained by the U.S. army and had good weapons, so Capul was not easily conquered by the Taliban. However, the capital city was seized by the Taliban within a day. The president of Afghanistan fled and the Afghanistan army allowed the Taliban to enter the capital city without resistance.

The Afghanistan army was randomly put together and has low morale. On the other hand, Taliban's soldiers have high morale due to their beliefs. The Taliban could easily defeat the Afghanistan army after the U.S. army withdrew.

While the Taliban governs Afghanistan, the U.S. army protects airports in Afghanistan and evacuates embassy staff and the U.S. citizens working there. But the Afghanistan people who fear the Taliban can not flee, and people who helped the U.S. and Afghanistan governments have not been able to escape from Afghanistan, even though they may be killed by the Taliban.

Why does the U.S. government rush to withdraw the U.S. army from Afghanistan? Both the U.S. army and Taliban should have laid down arms at the same time. It is said that the Taliban ignores human rights. The world must demand that the Taliban respects human rights.

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The 2020 Tokyo Olympics in 2021

The 2020 Tokyo Olympics was closed a week ago. It was postponed until this year because the coronavirus infection started spreading all over the world last year. However, the spread of infection hadn't stopped even after a year, so some media of the world and even Japan opposed the 2020 Tokyo Olympics.

The Japanese prime minister, Suga, said "It was easier to stop the Olympics, but we want to prove and give the hope that Olympics can be held in a pandemic with strict infection control measures." and decided to hold the Olympics without spectators.

It was disappointing to watch athletes performing without a large number of spectators, but we could watch their hard performances on TV. After the Olympics, many athletes and the Olympic officials appreciated that Japan held the Olympics. The Japanese government succeeded in keeping the number of coronavirus infections of the athletes and Olympic officials low and prove that Olympics could be held in a pandemic.

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Seawater evaporates and becomes vapor. It is cooled in the sky and becomes clouds. Clouds make rain and it falls down on the ground and sea. Water circulates like this.

Herbivorous animals eat plants and carnivorous animals eat herbivorous animals. They die in due time and their dead bodies become nutrition for plants. Life also circulates like this.

People work and get money. They buy things and services from companies. Companies get a profit from customers and distribute the profit to their workers and stockholders. Money circulates like this.

People marry and make children. Children grow, then marry and make children. These are repeated. Even if people die, their descendants prosper. This is a kind of circulation.

Circulation seems to be the nature of us.

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Today is the 10 years anniversary of the Great East Japan Earthquake. About fifteen thousand people died in this earthquake. I posted my writing on Facebook on that day. After I wrote it, I knew that nuclear power plants were broken by this earthquake and tsunami, and that the radiation was diffusing from there. Many people must have been evacuated from their homes.


My writing on that day

Today, at about 3 p.m, the largest earthquake in recorded history since about 130 years ago occurred in Japan. The Japanese Meteorological Office announced that the magnitude was 8.8. This earthquake is about 150 times as large as the Grate Hanshin Earthquake which occurred on January 17th, 1995 in Japan. This earthquake center is the offing of Miyagi Prefecture and Ibaragi Prefecture. Tsunami will rush along the Pacific coast of Japan at once. Already in Miyagi, many people are being washed away by the tsunami and are dead. And many people are dying by being crushed under collapsing houses, buildings and landslides. The total death toll may be several thousands people. Now, the traffic of Touhoku area and areas around Tokyo is stopping, so many people can't go home. They must choose to either go home by walking or wait there until the traffic moves. And some people are spending time in shelters because of fear of tsunami and the danger that buildings may collapse. Japan has many earthquakes, but it doesn't have many large earthquakes like this. We can not win over the power of the earth.


To friends of Facebook

Thank you for your concern. I am OK. But my mother was crying in fear. My damages were that some aquarium with Japanese rice-fish fell from a rack and some of them were dead, and my room was drenched with water and some books fell from a book rack. Now, the aftershocks are occurring. We must beware of the tsunami.

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Do you want to become a politician?

If you want to become rich, you should do business.

If you want to become famous and popular, you should become an actor, actress or entertainer.

You should not become a politician asking for those things.

Only people who want to work for their nations should become politicians.

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The Democratic candidate for U.S president, Joe Biden, won the U.S presidential election in 2020. But the Republican candidate for U.S president, Donald Trump, insists that the election was unfair, so he refuses to accept the results. And some of his supporters broke into the White House on the day that Joe Biden was approved as the U.S President.

In democratic countries, when elections have finished, nations must follow the results even if a candidate whom they didn't support won the election. If they don't admit the results of elections and use violence in order to pass their opinions and stay in power, they become a despotic government. If you say you don't trust elections because they are unfair. your country is not a democratic country. I think the U.S is a democratic country. Or do they need the United Nations election monitoring team? I hope not.

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The ex - U.S President Obama has published his memoir recently. A mistranslation in his book became a topic in Japan. He said that "A pleasant if awkward fellow" about a Japanese prime minister Hatoyama in those days. Japanese media reported that Obama criticized Hatoyama because the phrase "A pleasant if awkward fellow" is translated as the word "awkward fellow" was emphasized. However, some Japanese translators pointed out the mistranslation. They said that the phrase emphasized the word "pleasant". Hatoyama also noticed the mistranslation and said "Read the original sentence". Mistranslations may become a big problem. Have you failed with mistranslations or came across them?

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I am a cat

I am a cat. I don't remember where I was born. One day, I found myself being on the street with my brother. We seemed to have been thrown away. We walked around for a few days feeling hunger, but we couldn't find anything to eat. We mewed for a while because we were totally helpless, and then the door of a house opened. We got in the house. There was a man in the house and he was talking to his wife. They seemed to be arguing about us. She didn't seem to like us. After a while, two other people joined the argument. They seemed to be the man's son and daughter. The daughter said that they could have only one of us, but the son said that they should have both of us. The man who let us get in this house seemed to be the master of this family. The son insisted that they should have both of us because separating us would be too cruel. Thanks to the son, we got to live in this house. We were glad because we didn't need to be worried about food, rain, the cold and crows. I was not sure why the son liked us, but the reason might be my brother. As soon as he got in this house, he ran to the son and fawned upon him. Even if I do say so myself, we were cute.

For a few days after we got in the house, the son and the daughter were earnest about washing us. He took fleas from us and she washed our bodies in the shower. I don't like showers, so I always resist being washed in the shower. They named me Char and my brother Kie. We are glad to be able to eat food and shelter ourselves from rain and the cold. I am a friendly cat, so I got along with the members of the family soon, but my brother is shy, so he often hides in a closet. We like going out, but they prevented us from it because they think that outside world is dangerous for cats. They seem to be worried about us being hit by a car and fighting stray cats. And I heard that a cat that they had before didn't come back home after going outside. However, we often go out catching them off guard.

I have lived in this house for nine years, but my brother is no longer here with me. He has not come back since after going out five years ago. Their anxiety has become a reality. They were very worried about him and looked for him as much as they could. Where have you gone? What are you doing now? Though I became the only cat in this house, I am still happy to live here. Well, I am hungry, so I will ask them for a meal.


8065394484?profile=RESIZE_710xI am on the right hand side of the picture.

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It is interesting that images of colors are different for each country. Images of yellow are happy、fun and glad in Singapore, as well as Australia. They have positive images in many countries but England seems to have negative images like unpleasant or abnormality. By comparison, Cina seems to have an image of yellow as the most beautiful color, which shows neutrality. It is interesting that a color is liked in one country and isn't liked in another country, isn't it?

I think that images of green are peace and nature, and images of black are death and evil in many countries. Mournings clothes are black in Europe, America and Japan, but in Vietnam and China, the color is white. It is interesting.

What images do you or your country have about colors? Red and white are joyous colors in Japan. They are used as the Japanese national flag. Blue is also liked in Japan. Japan is surrounded by sea, so we are closely related to the sea. The main color of the Japanese national football team is blue.

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Sometimes, people show their frustrations with their government through demonstrations. Some of them are peaceful, and some of them are violent. Governments often regard them as dangerous, so they sometimes suppress them. They are afraid of social disorder. 

If people demonstrate violently, their government has an excuse for attacking them violently. If people demonstrate peacefully, there is no excuse for attacking them violently. But recently, I have seen police attacking journalists and people violently who are demonstrating peacefully. We must not allow violence like that. 

In democratic countries, people can express their opinions on their government through elections. However, if it is a one-party dictatorship, how can they do it? Aren't demonstrations a choice? What do you think about demonstration?

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Amazing voice

I think everybody agrees that Whitney Houston is one of the greatest female singers. Her voice was amazing and she had great success as a singer from the middle of the 80's to the 90's. You can listen to her amazing voice in her cover song "I Will Always Love You".

However, she had a difficult time from 2000 to 2008. She got hooked on drugs and was violently attacked by her husband. She must have realized that she shouldn't keep going on in such a situation. She divorced her husband and attended a therapy program for drug dependency.

She released a new album in 2009 after she overcame hardships and she sang songs about her revival in the album. I like this album more than any other of her albums because this album shows the power that a woman has when trying to overcome hardships. My favorite song on this album is "I look to you". Three years after she released this album, she suddenly passed away. This song was sung by R. Kelly at her funeral. It was so touching. 

I Will Always Love You https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=mK4hweZRU0k

I look to you https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=HTSlKG2ZCq8

"I look to you" sung by R. Kelly at her funeral https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=lLvDN07O5M8

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Once upon a time, there was a mountain in a village where elderly people were thrown away to reduce the number of mouths to feed. Ichiro, who lived in the village, was a very poor farmer and lived with his mother, wife, and three children. They didn't have enough food so his children cried every day because of their hunger. Ichiro's mother pitied her grandchildren and asked him to leave her at a place deep in the mountain. She thought that the little food that they had should be shared among everyone in his family except her because she thought that she wouldn't live much longer than them. 

One day. he decided to leave her at a place deep in the mountain after much agonizing. When he was walking toward the depths of the mountain carrying her on his back, he noticed that she sometimes dropped petals one by one. He asked her, "Why are you dropping petals?" She answered, "It is because you can get back without getting lost." When he heard that, he realized how deep his mother's love was. He was very ashamed of his attempt to throw his mother away, and went back home with his mother. Though they were poor, they lived together happily ever after.

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