I am interested in black cats.Whether they are an ill-omen or bring good luck?Of course it comes from rumors and superstitions, but I heard it’s different depending on the country and I was worried.For example, it seemed that the black cat was a symbol of ill-omens in the old days in Europe and America, and they would freeze them to death.On the other hand, in some British areas, they seem to have been considered symbol of good luck.By the way, in old Japan, because they possess “an eye that can even see at night”, “lucky cats “ became talismans to ward against evil and symbols of good fortune and business prosperity.It seems to have been said that the black cat also gave an effect that was good for problems of the love .Do you suppose there are people who found love thanks to a black cat?But when I was young, I heard the story about bad things happrning when a black cat crosses your path.I thought that the black cat was unlucky ever since I heard it, but I may run after it unintentionally if I see a black cat if it can make love come true.It seems to vary by region whether a black cat is a symbol of fortune or misfortune.Is the black cat unlucky? Or lucky?Will you teach me how it is said in the other countries if you know?
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