Sara's Posts (4)

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Hi everybody,

How are you all?

I'm afraid of bothering you with my lessons, but I do believe that you can add something new.

I have a lesson need to be presented following the strategies of Active Learning; co-operative learning, role playing, think-pair-share and problem solving.

I have several scattered ideas need to be arranged, but I couldn't do that.

Below you can see the picture of the lesson. It's only new words.


1-I think of having the lesson outside the class in the grass as having a picnic through which we can learn the new words from the environment around us.

2-To engage students in the teaching-learning process, I would like to choose one student to be my assistant then divide the class into several small groups.

3-some words like; "picking apples- fishing- chasing" I would like to distinguish them from exercises.

To make my idea more clear,

After learning the new words:' tree- branch- leaf- pond- flower- bee", I want to make exercise of having 2 teams fishing the new words from the pond -that we have previously made- then they can match the words with the pictures hanged on the tree.

By this way, I'll distinguish the 2 other new words" fishing- picking apple"

   4-Finally, I have one new word left which is " chasing". How can I present it in a way that goes with the atmosphere of the other exercises????

5- Regarding the opining of the lesson, I think of having snow white & the 6 dwarfs .

Snow white will be my assistant & the 7 dwarfs will be divided as the leaders of the small groups.

  • My idea regarding that is having the 7 dwarfs learned the new words with the help of the other students, snow white & me.


What do you think?

Please if you have a way of developing my ideas or other ideas let me know.

Thank you so much    





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I need your help

Hi everybody,

I'm an English teacher and I have a task of  preparing my studnts to act a play.

The play is " The Gift of Pearls"

The scripts :

Narrator: Once upon a time there was a woman widow who had two daughters.  Physically, they looked alike , but in character they were different.  Georgie, the oldest, was very proud of herself.

Georgie: I am so beautiful. I can spend days and days looking in the mirror.  Oh… how I wish to marry a handsome and rich prince.

Narrator: While Eunice, the youngest, was sweet, honest, and grateful just like her father.

Mother and Georgie: Hurry up Eunice… wash the dishes! Feed the animals!… Cook!

Eunice: Yes, I am coming. I´ll do everything as fast as I can.  Don´t worry everything will be ready soon.

Georgie: Oh mother, tell me how I look in this dress.  And my hair,…do I look pretty?

Mother: Yes, my darling, you look wonderful!

Narrator: One day when Eunice was going to the well to get some water she found an old woman in the road.

Old Woman: I am very thirsty… I need some water.  Would you give me some?

Eunice: Sure!  Take it.

Narrator: The old woman drank some water and then she said.

Old Woman: Your soul is so beautiful, just like you.   Whenever you speak, pearls will come out from your mouth.

Narrator: Eunice went home where she found her mother and sister angry because she didn´t return soon.

Eunie: I am sorry, mother.  But I found an old woman and she told me that…

Narrator: Suddenly, when she started talking pearls came out from her mouth.

Mother and Sister: This is wonderful!  Now your sister has to go there!  Come on, hurry up, lets go find that old woman!

Narrator: Eunice´s sister said.

Georgie: Diamonds will get out from my mouth!

Narrator: Soon she found the old woman.

Old Woman: I am very thirsty, I need some water.  Would you give me some?

Georgie: Sure!  Take some.

Narrator: But when the old woman was about to drink some water, she spilled some over the girl´s dress.

Georgie: Hey!  What have you done!  You just ruined my silk dress!  You clumsy old woman!

Old Woman: And you are so arrogant!.  Your words are so mean that frogs should come out from your mouth, because that is what you have in your heart.

Narrator: Then Georgie went home.

Georgie: Mother!  Mother!  I´m back.  I have to tell you what happened.

Mother: Georgie, why are frogs coming out from your mouth?

Georgie: Oh I want to cry, mother.  Sniff, sniff..

Narrator: Some days later.

Mother: Eunice, please go look for the old woman and appologize.

Eunice: Yes, mother.  I hope I can find her soon.

Narrator: After a long walk trying to find the old woman, Eunice finally found her.

Eunice: Oh.. I finally found you!  I have been looking for you, just to tell you to please forgive my sister for what she told you.

Old Woman: She is an arrogant girl.  She must learn to be modest and humble.  I will forgive your sister, if you give me back the gift I gave you.

Eunice: I agree.  I give you back my pearls, and thank you for everything.

Narrator: Pearls and Frogs never came out from the two sister´s mouth.  And both, the mother and Georgie learned to respect Eunice and learned to live happy together.

The End..

What I need is your ideas about presenting such play..

I have already an idea of the opening scene,

I'll let 4 students dance on the music of "Barbie ,Swan of Lake" holding magician sticks, then with some spills, Eunice will appear. Then , the play will starts.


The point that confused me alittle, is the pearls & the frogs...!!

How can I acted them?

Please if you have any idea , just post it & I'll be Grateful.

Thanks alot.

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Writing Challenge #27: My Advice

Advice for a student  in his\her study life


  •  Education is the best provision for the journey to old age .So, try your best to benefit from your study years. Because those years will never be repeated again  and in vain you may wish one day  to go back in time.
  • Don't think that studying is a hard task. On the contrary, it's so interesting. Set your goals and then follow the most interested path which leads you to them.
  • Don't focus on the materials that you take in the school. Try to vitiate your sources to broaden your mind as well. I wish I had taken benefit from the internet as a wide source of information.
  • Try to achieve your goals and don't delay them until after graduation. I do agree that studying may take you a little bit away from your hobbies and interests. So, you have to arrange your time in order to enjoy practicing your hobbies. I wish I had considered my hobbies and spent more time enjoying them.    
  • Let your study goes in parallel with your daily life issues. For example, if you want to join any club , participate in any association or travel anywhere , do it immediately. Don't think that practicing any sort of exercise will hinder you from succeeding in you study.
  • Studying is a way of improving yourself and your nation as well.


  • Expand your relationship with your teachers. Don't let it strict and stick to the materials being taught. Your teachers are older than you and have an insight , so it will be better if you ask for their advice concerning your studying and your future life as well.
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