Sama's Posts (5)

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Post your favorite proverb

Hi everyone:)


I like proverbs and I thought it would be nice to share our proverbs.


I'll start.


Fool me once shame on you. Fool me twice shame on me.


A bird in the hand worth ten in the bush.


A secret between more than two is not secret.


Think twice, act wise.


Knowledge is power.


I guess that's enough for today. can't wait to see yours :)

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I'm not a superwoman

Salaam alaikom everybody

I wish you are all doing great.

I don't know why sometimes I have to act like a superwoman while I really can't. people expect so much from you regradless to your condition whether you're tired or exhausted they really don't care they expect you to be always active and I'm talking about my job it makes me really stressed.


Trying to please all the people around is really an exhausting matter and it's really hard for me to keep smiling while I'm really angry. For instance my boss is driving me crazy and when we , me and my colleagues, want to discuss anything with him, he says don't argue like we never supposed to talk :(

and do I have to take orders from him without even arguing or discussing them? How mean!

So, how can I handle this and have you ever tried to act like a superman or superwoman?


Take care all :)


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I need your help :)

salaam ,guys i really need you to tell me the best way to teach grammer to beginners because i am helping some people improve in English and the proplem is i am a better english speaker than a grammer teacher . and another thing is how to memorize words easily ?thank you in advance
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The miracle

People usually consider walking on water or in thin air a miracle.
But I think the real miracle is not to walk either on water or in thin air, but to walk on earth.

Everyday we are engaged in a miracle which we don’t even recognize;
a blue sky, white clouds, green leaves, the black curious eyes of a child; our own two eyes.

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