Pavel's Discussions (3)

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Men & women, boys & girls

As there were offered serious classical books lately, I'd like to suggest to the members of our group some other sort of literature :)


What does a woman wants? This question has been tried to answer men for many centures. This is because men and women

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A Dream by Franz Kafka

2352887530?profile=originalI'd like to propose you the short story written by Franz Kafka.

A Dream

Narrator describes a dream where Joseph K. is walking through a cemetery. There are tombstones around him, and the setting is the typical misty and dim atmosphere. Soon he sees som

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What are you going to try this yoear

Life never stops for a moment. We live in an interesting world. In the world where's nothing is imposible. We can travel all over the world, associate with people from different countries, every day we learn smth new, new desires and interests appear

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