Panggih Amiyoso's Discussions (7)

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why we have to do fasting

I want to know what is the reason ?

is there any connection between fasting and healty ?

please help me to understand.

besides we can improve writing skill, also it can express our knowledge about islam, especially fasting......

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D you know about valentine day

Hi, all !

please explain us what is the valentine day ? it becomes international moment to say something "love" to friend, family, etc. Also in my country, Indonesia. Maybe we know this moment but we don't know details.
Your explanation will be good fo

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I need friends

Hello, I am new in this group.

My motto is more friends more knowledge.

I have many friends from many countries.

I feel so happy when I read some mails from them.

I feel happy when we discuss something even only via mail,yahoo messenger, black berry mess

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Love control us or we control love ?


only 4 digits but it can hurt someone, it can make someone happy, it can make a strong man become very weak. It can make a man crying... If you have experience with this magic word, pls tell to us how to control so we can be happy........

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