Distance between hopes and destination, dream and reality, what you are and what you are to be, what you possess and what you are to be possessed ,what you are doing and what you are supposed to do. What yet you have achieved and what you are to achieve, and the gap between your current position and your preferred position are always due reconcile.
The mankind pass away but the differences exist. From the inception of life there are always at hand the difference between all of the above and the mankind has been striving to lessen the gap putting their effort up to their level best. The deviation could never show the perfect reconciliation.
And this is the elementary inspiration factors that stimulate the human being to always be kept in movement .whatsoever the position one get in his life the crack between any of the above always keep enlarging. If one thing resolve than another thing give birth with due completion. The difference is difficult to offset in order get stabilities but to some extend it could keep under control from adding up .The desires are always alive irrespective of times. But the possibility to make efforts gets shrink after passing certain level of time. There will nothing left in hand in connection of achieving your ambition except the regret.
What things could keep you safe from sadness is to always working in the way you want in accordance with your passions, keep yourself satisfied in whatever you have achieved and accept the reality of nature and limitation of capabilities. Adaptations of some primary principal could turn out your dreams into reality. Merely the hopes never work out to bring greenery in your life…and the basic principle are many, but the most important one is
Stopping hopes of future never get regret about past and grasp whatever you have in present time.
As imam ali a.s said
If want to be happy in life never expect anything from any one.