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  • it is always nice to share any things with a foreign friend.  so can we be friend?
  • hi, i really wanna learn eg well. but lack of resources...
    so hope u can give me assistance n i wanna be one of ur friends on the other side of the earth...
  • Hey, nice to meet you!

    This is Tatsu!
    I'm Japanese and studying English in Japan!
    Seriously, I want to improve my English level.
    You know Japanese people are worst to get used to use English.
    They say English that the Japanese use is called " Jinglish"

    I need your little help to change Jinglish to English :)
    Well, the virtual connection would be unnatural for me.
    I mean we don't see each other before contacting like this.
    So I guess it is also impossible for u to trust who I am so far :))) lol

    So, if it is possible, just check " Namikawa Tatsuro" on face book.
    Or Recently, I made my blog [] to study English!
    You can just go here.
    My blog doesn’t have any suspicious advertisements or system:D

    I hope you could write back!

  • Hi,welcome to the club
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About Me




Brattleboro, VT


December 20
