Jana Rookard's Posts (2)

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 Should you learn slang in English? Probably, everyone who studies English wants to know that. Today I’ll tell you what kinds of slang there are and who should and shouldn’t learn it.

So, what kinds of slang are there?

    1. Shortenings  

Shortenings are often considered to be slang. Everyone who learns English should know this category. It is used practically in all the movies, songs, books, etc. These are words such as  wanna (want to), lotsa (lot of), ye (yes), etc.

    2. Young people’s expressions

This category unites all the words that young (and not very young) people use in the informal speech. These are simple expressions used in everyday speech. You don’t use them at business meetings, conferences, etc. These are words like wicked, awesome, chill, etc. You should be very careful with such words and expressions as they may have several meanings.  

    3. Swearing

How do you get rid of all your English speaking friends? It is very simple! Just learn the words from this category and no one will want to talk to you. I won’t give you any examples here; the Internet if full of different dictionaries for those who want to learn some rude words.  

    4. Abbreviations

Abbreviations used in texting and online chats are also called slang. These phases are very useful and they save time. Besides, you can create your own abbreviations with your friends and make your conversations more fun. Everyone who learns English has to know the abbreviations ttyl (talk to you later), cu (see you), imho (in my humble opinion), etc.   


So, should you learn slang expressions? Let’s start with saying that slang is a difficult thing; it is constantly changing and many expressions come and go very fast. Besides, every city may have its own set of popular expressions. However, dictionaries offer the most commonly used words and phrases and we’ll talk about them.

Who should learn English slang?

-          Those who are moving to the English speaking country. In this case, you need to learn such words, preferably with native speaking teachers. They will tell you what words can be used, what cannot be, and what are considered dated.

-          People who want to communicate with foreigners in the informal way. You will need to know popular expressions to understand you company.

-          Students who are going to study abroad. Slang is the language of young people. You need to know at least some of it to understand what your fellow students are saying. Be sure that during college years your slang vocabulary will grow drastically.

-          Fans of the modern movies, music, shows and books in English..

-          Those who have to pass an exam. You probably won’t have to use slang expressions, but listening to audio texts, they can come up and you’ll need to understand them.

Who don’t have to learn slang?

-          Kids. Teenagers may be interested in learning some popular words. However, remember that a lot of slang words are not very decent, so kids shouldn’t learn them.  

-          Beginners. If you just started learning English, don’t bother with slang expressions. Study basic information, there is no need to fill your head with unnecessary information for now.

-          Those who learn business English for work. You don’t need to know slang. It can even be harmful; in stress situations, you can accidently say something inappropriate.

-          Those who learn English for traveling. You will need a basic set of phrases to communicate with local people. They wouldn’t bother you with numerous slang expressions if they know you are a tourist.   

So, this was my vision of the necessity of slang for English learners. Hopefully, you can take some use out of it.

About the author

Jana Rookard is an experienced educator with 7 years of teaching at school and college. She also writes educational articles for EssayJedii writing service and tutors in her free time. 

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Everyone knows that if you don’t practice a foreign language, you just forget it with time. There are so many unconventional and interesting ways that can not only help you remember what you’ve learnt, but also help you improve your knowledge. Here are 13 fun methods.

1. Teach your kids, relatives or friends to speak English.

Start teaching your children or your friend who doesn’t speak English at all. It will not only help you remember and structure the knowledge in your head, but will also teach you something new. When you will prepare for the next lesson, you will search for something interesting to make this lesson fun. It will help you to jog your memory and your kids or friend to learn a bit of English.

2. Sign up for daily news in English.

Sign up for different resources in English (notes, articles, idioms, saying of the day, etc.). Thus, you will see and read some English every day so you cannot but remember it.

3. Listen to English radio or TV programs in the background while you are doing your anything.

Even if you don’t actually sit and listen to what they are saying, English language on the background is still helpful to learn and remember. Just turn the Radio, TV or an Internet broadcast on and do your regular things like cleaning, doing homework, etc.  

4. Play English language learning games.

Such games can be very helpful. Besides, they are fun you don’t feel like studying at all.

5. Read comic books in English with many various dialogues.

Diversify your studying with reading comic books, fun stories, etc. full of dialogues!

6. Write a diary in English.

Start writing your thoughts, feelings and observations down in English. It can be a blog or just a small notebook. If you have the time, make detailed notes about your life: the description of your day, your trips, fun weekends, the movie you saw yesterday, the concert you want to visit etc. Write in English as often as you can.

7. Write a film, an album or a book review.

Leave your comments, feedback or reviews on different movies, books, games, songs on the Internet. It is another way to practice expressing your thoughts in English.

8. Sing karaoke in English.

Singing songs helps working on your pronunciation and speaking skills. So go ahead!

9. Online chat.

There are lots of online chats where people can communicate in English. There are also many of them for English learners. Sign in for a couple of those and find friends around the world to practice English with.  

10. Learn a poem in English by heart.

Learning poems in English will not only help you with your learning, but will also keep your memory in shape.

11. Read aloud and record your own voice.

Read small stories aloud and record it. Listening to these records will help you hear your mistakes and work on them.

12.   Topic of the day.

Choose different topics every day and try to learn as many words on this topic as you can. I have a friend who works with English all the time; she teaches foreigner students learn English and she writes English papers for EssayJedii.com. And she always gives her students topics of the day saying that it is very effective.

13. Write down your every-day tasks in English.

Make your shopping lists and to-do lists in English. It is also quite an effective way to learn new words and to jog your memory.

Learn English with pleasure!

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