Another school year passed and the same questions cross my mind :
-How can we apply the four skills of learning English at schools ?
-How can we change the old ways to better ones if the number of the students is large and the textbooks should be finished during the school year ?
The teachers in most countries still practice the traditional teaching method which is :
"Chalk and Talk ".This phrase often used to describe traditional teaching. It describes the teacher in front of the group of learners, giving a talk on some topic. This method is suitable where the teacher wishes to impart theoretical knowledge to the whole group of learners .This old method can be described like this :
1- writing:Students can write some paragraphs and sentences and their homework, only.
2- Reading: They can read aloud the stories and texts in their books .
3- Listening :only to the teacher in front of them and to each other, sometimes .
4-Speaking : They hesitate and speak only few words.
So, the change is required if we want to apply the four skills in teaching English.
I read once that "language is not a sterile subject to be confined to the classroom. One of two things must be done: either life must be brought to the classroom or the class must be taken to life".
I think learners absorb more information from what they see than from what they hear. So it makes sense always to include visuals, either on the board, chart or screen or through handouts or posters. The learners'attention will be limited when they are required only to listen to someone talking.
Good practice is to introduce a variation by asking questions and also encouraging the learners to ask questions with group discussions.That means :
"Let the students help you to teach; they will then have the happiest of feelings about all their English lessons".
Now, what do you think ? Is the old teaching method "chalk and talk " enough to teach English ? and what are the ways to develop it in a classroom with more than 30 students ?
Thank you for reading !
-Hala -