Speaking in English - a need of needy
Does English need us or do we need English? The answer is clear as crystal. If we don’t have the need of English, what we are doing in MyEC?
English is the language of the hour. It is not a language of a particular place or a group of people anymore; it has become a global language. The need of English could not limit to a particular purpose. It communicates within different people who are having exclusive ideas, thoughts and cultures. English is playing a vital role as a tool for ‘unity in diversity’.
As any other language, to use or to be benefited by English, each learner should adequate with healthy grammar and wealthy vocabulary. These tools could enough to be self sufficient in Reading and Writing and it could be an aid in Listening. But which is response for Speaking?
Speaking! No other techniques, but speaking. In meanwhile listening is an unavoidable tool which helps the tounge to twist easier.
Reading and writing skills can be improved through self study with the help of printed or e-books without a physical teacher. But to develop the skill of speaking, physical guidance is required.
Among many techniques of improving the skill of speaking, the simplest and affective method is forming a peer group, with the guidance of a person who is healthy and wealthy in grammar and vocabulary and having a sound knowledge of pronunciation and elocution and different dialects may preferable.
In meantime, it was well noticed that many people who are having fluency within themselves but poor in presenting, whether in writing or speaking. Some major barriers identified were shyness, lack of confidence and a platform to perform. If a hit breaks the barrier, they may perform their talents in the highest strength.
Therefore, a group was formed to improve their ability of speaking in English efficiently and affluently. Their first meeting was held on the 11th October 2011 at Rahma English Academy. The ‘English Speaking Study Circle of Puttalam’ (Sri Lanka) inaugurated in this event, under the patronage of My English Club with the supervision of Mrs. Nadira Moosin Azad (in blue headscarf). I was appointed as the coordinator and communicator of the group respectively.
We, as a group are having many activities. Some activities related on self improvement such are news reading, poem reciting and storytelling, while some activities on duplex skills such as discussion forums and debates. And some other activities which aimed to improve grammar and vocabulary, such as scrabble, crossword puzzles and games.
With all these learning materials, the first and foremost condition of ESSC is ‘English Only’, except names and the welcoming greetings, such as Assalamu Aleykom, Vanakkam* and Aayubowan* (* which are the greetings of Sinhala and Tamil ethnic groups respectively).
The number of the group has limited to 20. Regular meetings will be held twice a month. In each meeting, the improvement of members will be evaluated by the moderator. When a member achieves a satisfactory qualification will guide another smaller group under the supervision of the moderator. This process will widen the service of ESSC. It needs some of time. But an idiom in our country says, ‘mangoes doesn’t ripe by magic’.
To be honest, forming a group may not an easy task to each member in MyEC, if it’s in their nieghbourhood, working place or even in the school where that respective member serving as an English teacher. The initiator needs communicating, organizing and public relation skills. But intention, dedication and planning will lead a person to reach the goal.
As a member of respected ‘My English Club’ and a citizen of the global village, we are having duties in our hands. One of the duties is, ‘prefer the same to others, what favour to yourself’ as in a message of Prophet Mohammed (PBUH).
Does our favour is improvement in English? Does our favour is the fluency in English? Does our favour is self sufficiency in English?
Then, shall we prefer the same to others!!