I would like spacially to thank you for accept my request and join us in this web site .
I tink this web site is a good location to learn english .
In this web site you can have good chat with native speaker and.......................
any way
welcome to my . english club
I hope you enjoy your time in this web site and have nice chat with other persone.
I m looking forward to have good relationship to future.
Your faithfully
your friend
Hamid Reza Rahimi
Ill be glad if u accept me as your friend in this site & i wish we can help each other in English.
Have a good day
I would like spacially to thank you for accept my request and join us in this web site .
I tink this web site is a good location to learn english .
In this web site you can have good chat with native speaker and.......................
any way
welcome to my . english club
I hope you enjoy your time in this web site and have nice chat with other persone.
I m looking forward to have good relationship to future.
Your faithfully
your friend
Hamid Reza Rahimi