Bulbul's Posts (2)

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Learn Arabic language

Dear all,

As per I knew " Arabic a heaven language. besides English. I want to learn Arabic language to know "Holy Quran" correctly. I need some " Kingdom Of Saudi Arabian a group of boy and girl. If any body help me from Saudi Arabia. I am waiting for your reply.

Thanking you

With best regards

hayatun nabi 

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Independence Day

Dear all, today is our independence day. Welcome to all.  We were east part of Pakistan, they always tortured our people by physically and mentally form 1947, in 1952 they declared Urdu will be state language of east and west Pakistan, we reveled, this time there were failure, they killed our student without  any justificationbut it was our legal claim because bangle was  our mother tongue.  They enjoyed all Secretariat post and higher post of army. They could not any development in east bangla , all development   were centered west Pakistan, East Pakistan  was poor but west Pakistan was rich. For this reason our people gave vote in 1969 our great leader bangobundhu sheikh mojibour rahman, His party wamileage got 167 seats in Pakistan national election but they could not give power Sheikh Mojib, they started war with us, so   we fought with them a nine month sanguinary   war in 1971, we achieved our independence,we remember  always India because that time India helped us every way, so we great full them. we lost our 30 Lac people and victim of rape 2 lac women. 

Thanking you


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