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  • Hello Again, Barbara. After my silly first comment, maybe there is an avenue where you could assist but I would like to contact. How can I contact you off the public arena?.... BK  

  • Hello Barbara, Hhuumm, typing my manuscript? But half the fun, no, no,more than half I suggest, in writing is the actual writing process. My stories are all in my head. So to get them into a format that can be read, I must first get them out of my head. Your offer sounds attractive, but I cannot afford to part with my head.

    Sorry, but I am being mean at your expense. I like to write and putting the words down so they can be read is part of the fun. Sure I only have two fingers that do the work but I like to read the written word and then wonder how could I write it that way? And so, that is the beauty of the electronic word. I do not finish up with a forest of trees in my waste paper basket.....

    Hope I have not appeared disrespectful...BK

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    This some link for study with Englishclub

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July 16