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  • Take a look at my web site

    and see if any course may be what you are looking for


  • Eu nao sei por kei voce nao e meu amigo? It's true that my Portugese language is zero but I hope to become one of your friends. Can you visit my page and see The Wedding? Thanks!

  • Let's chat Amanda.

    BTW I was very impressed with the way your country handled the Olympics.

    After so much bad publicity it went very well!

  • hello amanda

  • Ola Amanda, voce e tao linda! Queiro ser tu amigo. Welcome to My Ec! You have come to the perfect place to improve your English skills. I and the members of the club are very happy to see you among us. If you need anything, ask me or anyone of the members of the club. We will be happy to help, welcome!

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About Me




São José dos Campos SP


September 29