'Sailing' Chris Cross

Hi friends!I'd like to share this old song in wich I use to 'hide' when feeling stressed even nostalgic haha... well, actually it makes me feel good and not only this one but all Christopher Cross songs. Hope you don't think I'm old fashioned lol... well, maybe a little :Dhttp://youtu.be/XdD3Qy5U2t0

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  • So you took your time to reply me, wow! That means you also liked it and you didn't reply just because.
    Well just tell you that you made me feel happy to know that I'm not the only weirdo here haha... Thanks for your frank reply.
  • Estanis, i listened to the song when you posted it but i couldn't comment that moment. Now i am at work and i am listening to it again (i am alone now here :)) and i have the same feeling like the first time. This song makes me want to stay alone, to calm and to drive out of my mind all the negative thoughts. You have good taste my friend :)

  • Thanks Saba, I chose this one for the lyrics. I just can add the link but I'm grateful to ModaWay for giving me a hand.
  • Beautiful song and scenes :)

  • Thank you ModaWay. It's a pleasure being part of your group. What became of life without music! :)
  • Hi Danny, loneliness is sometimes necessary for me, that's why I search for a break out to reconsider some issues or getting strength to face difficulties. I guess music helps.
    Btw, your story seems like the most romantical Holliwood movies haha... Tania is a lucky girl ;)
    • Dear Estanis! It is me who is so lucky to have her by my side!

  • Yeah, so true my friend.
  • Dear Estanis! To "hide" in music is so natural for those  who feel alone . I did it for so many years! But I tell you, there is much more to life than this! When I met a woman I had always dreamt about, I started singing my songs for her to hear me and now we sing them together. You don't sound  "old-fashionate" as good music is timeless

  • Classic never gets old  :)

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