when i introduced the book There is no place like work by Drs.Sheila Margolis and Ava wilensky i said that i thought in an other way to use the insight and information in this book.and now i'm gonna tell you what it is.
if you read the introduction you will read ( business success just like all success in life ) then i thought that i can successed in my life if i can achieve my goals.so why don't i use the steps to shape a successful organization to achieve my own goals instead.and here are the steps:
1- purpose: the purpose is what you want to accomplish,you need to ask your self this question: what is my purpose? then ask an other question: why is it important? after you answer these questions your purpose will be clearer and meaningful.
for example: the purpose for all the learners here is to improve there english level, and it is meaningful because it can help them to contact or any thing else.
2- philosophy: the philosophy is your way to that you prefer to achieve your,it is what makes two people whith the same purpose different.for example: let's take three english learners, the first's philosophy or his way to learn english is fun,he wants to learn english in an enjoyable way.the second's is hard working and the third's is commitment.
3- priorities: the priorities are a bunch of valuse that put purpose and philosophy into practice. priorities are limited to a small number of valuse, and are also the answer to the question: what are the most important standars that guide how can i achieve my goal? for example: a learner hi purpose is to improve his english level, his philosophy is enjoying.so his priorities must fit both of them like wathing movies, play video games and chat.
ok guys let's share our goals using this method, and i'm that it will help you a lot as it helps me.
hi guys i will start first and i will tell you about my goal.
i am still a student so all what i have to worry about is my average. i want to get a good average so this is my purpose, my philosophy is hard working. the priorities that fit both of my purpose and priorities are patience,activity and continuation.
come on guys how about you? let's make the books alive.