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Do you..?

When you see someone for the first time will judge his personality from his clothes,deeds ,speech or you will wait until you talk with him\her to know the real character...Thanks in advance for sharing..Emi.

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14 Replies

I hate people

hate people telling me what to do.I hate people taking advantage of me.I hate people giving me the cold shoulder.I hate people playing dump with me.I hate people magnifying trivial things.I hate people complaining all the time.I hate people having bi

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10 Replies

Friendship with ghost!

I: One day I was sleeping in my room then I saw a dream in midnight.This dream was so funny because of that someone has propose me to make friendship with him/her. I replied him/her I not know about you, WHO ARE YOU please?He/her: Don’t be anxious- I

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3 Replies


Hi everyoneHow do you start a letter ,comment ,etc considering different situations?How do you end your letter ?i myself usually have different closings remarks ;depending on the subject of the letter or comment ,i try to include related closings,but

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It was a joke !!

In our life , sometimes we face a kind of people who are careless and ignore others feeling , They may make a stupid , scary , insulting , embbaressing things which can annoy the others ... and simply say ... It was a joke ...!!!HAve you ever face th

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Do you hear that before?

An Indian discovered that nobody cancreate a FOLDER anywhere on the computer which can be named as"CON".This is something pretty cool...and unbelievable. .. At Microsoft thewhole Team, including Bill Gates, couldn't answer why this happened!So, infor

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The most effective questions

Here is a framework for asking the right questions at the right time to create clarity and agreement around issues and to empower your direct reports.They create clarity: "Can you explain more about this situation?"They construct better working relat

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2 Replies

True or False

True Or False ?Can you guess which of the followingsare true and which are false ?1. Apples, not caffeine, are more efficient at waking you up in themorning.2. A pack-a-day smoker will lose approximately 2 teeth every 10years.3. People do not get sic

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