Why it's wrong?

Why it is wrong?The man who the school hired is Mr. Jack.It is not an adjective clause? Why "who" here is not an adjective clause?

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  • the correct form:the man whom the...
  • i got the meaning wrong.sorry...
    the fist sentence asked by Emi means: school has hired a man called Mr.jack.so according to meaning it's obvious that who isnot adj.clause.
  • Hi dear Reyhaneh

    both mimi's and Emi's sentences are correct.

    have a nice time:)

    reyhaneh said:
    dear mimi,
    i think the correct form is:the man who hired the school is Mr.jack.or:Mr jach is the man who hired school.what's your idea?
  • Hi mimi

    the sentence by Emi is correct.i checked it in dic.

    have a nice time:)

    mimi said:
    Hi Emilie,
    I think it's better to change this sentence s little: The man who was hired by school is Mr. jack
  • dear mimi,
    i think the correct form is:the man who hired the school is Mr.jack.or:Mr jach is the man who hired school.what's your idea?
  • I wanna add another question;

    what is the difference between an adj clause and a relative clause?
  • Thanks Muhammad Ali

    i got the point,here "who the school hired" is a "relative clause" not an adj clause.

    another ex. i found in a dic:
    In the sentence 'The woman who I met was wearing a brown hat', 'who I met' is a relative clause.

    so the sentence Emi gave here is correct:The man who the school hired is Mr. Jack.

    i wish Emi be back and add her points of views.

    thanks a lot,
    have a nice time:)

    Muhammad Ali said:
    Hi Dear Emillie,
    Here in your given sentence, the word "who" is Relative pronoun and relative pronoun which connects the two sentences with each other.
    so you correct sentence should be "Jack is the man who hired the school".
  • Hi Dear Emillie,

    Here in your given sentence, the word "who" is Relative pronoun and relative pronoun which connects the two sentences with each other.

    so you correct sentence should be "Jack is the man who hired the school".
  • Hi dear Emi

    i think who is better to be replaced by whom because it is the object for "hired".am i right?but i think it is an adjective clause because it describes "the man".maybe i am wrong.

    have a nice time dear:)
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