
When the police arrived, a man was lying dead under a car. Investigations revealed that although he was not the car's owner, he was the last person to drive it. The car had last been driven that morning, but the man's time of death was established at about 3 P.M. The car's owner was discovered in the south of France. No one else was involved in the affair and eventually the police and the coroner were satisfied that no crime had been committed. What is the explanation?

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  • Hi Zahra,
    Your answer is right.I waited for another answers but no one get it So you are the winner! Thanks for this smart answer.Have a nice time.
  • maybe the dead man was a mechanic and because of some reasons like a stroke or being hit on the head by a tool while repairing the car ,he was dead.
    in the morning he drove it to the garage to repair it and his job lasted till around 3 p.m...
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