How do you define "good person"?

Almost always in your daily life, you would  meet someone or some people you so admire sincerely because you find him/her/them good. What is it that could have caught your heart and mind to say that one person is good?

In addition to this, knowing the opposite of good (or simply knowing "bad") helped us to evaluate our true feelings of what is good to us. What is the divide between the good and the bad to you? What's your basis to know that one act is good?



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  • Cultured manner, helpful, modest, polite are the qualities which make a person 'a good person.'

  •   for me , i do believe that the situation and time will tell whether your friend is good or bad .


    • It is very difficult to define good man. However, generally accepted a man as good who is honest, laborious and helpful to other.

  • It's a good question Lynne. it's not easy to know who is good or bad nowadays. Maybe they are good in this situation, but in other cases they aren't. Sometimes I don't know how to behave with someone ... I dont know truly who they are ... We only know it in case of difficulties. Who is good, who is bad will show clearly. For me, I think good people are honest, helpful and unselfish people.

  • I define him or her regarding to those friends who accompany,if they are bad ,he or she is bad but if he or she is good .This is the first part ,the second one is by judjing his or her acts .
  • hello,

    The one who have the ability to differentiate between good and bad and in the sametime have the will to do the good things and avoid the bad ones, is the GOOD person :)

    Good and bad can be known by knowing religion teachings and by our human's pure nature.

    thanks for the question :)
  • I know agood person through his sitiuation his speaking his Ethics

    i know this person from first time

    egyption man
  • Thank you for your comment Nadira Moosin Asad. It's really important for us to know what makes a person good.
    Wishing you a very promising days ahead.
  • i feel no one is exactly 100 percent good nor bad
    i feel strongly for people who are honest, humble and able to reach out to those in need,when needed.,and who are humane .

    people who get carried away with wealth arrogance may also learn with time.
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