a legend in your country?

according to the legend,the vietnamese are desccendants of the dragon,and was when the monarchyas established,it become the symbol of the kingLegend has it that the dragon Lord Lac Long Quan marrried fairy AuCo,and their unon gave birth to100 children and the king dom of BACHVIET(BACH=100)one day QUAN said to his wife"i'm a dragon and you are fairy,we can remain together"Quan took50 of his sons with him to the plain and coastal reegions,while the other followed their mother to mountainthe eldestson was crownking of lac viet and named him self King Hung Vương and Lac Vuet was renamed Van Lang,an ancientname of vietnam which was formed 4000 years ago

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  • thanks kamel
    have a nice day
  • Hi Ready,
    Thanks for sharing this legend with us.I think there are a lot of superstition on my country but there is no legend as i think.Have a great day.
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