

-By changing only two letters, and without adding or omitting any others, can you reverse the meaning of the word UNITED?


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  • How about unTIed?


    Firstly, I added a reply and said I can not!

    Then afterwards this came up!

    Just for having given it a try!




      Hello dear Zahra!

      Well done!!

      It's exactly the right answer.

      Good try, dear.

      Certainly all puzzles can be solved.

      Glad that you solved it.


    • Thanks my lovely Sahar


      But it was so weird that only after I confessed I can not guess what it can be, the answer came upon me!

    • Yes!

      Because only in that time our mind is free to think itself without any pressure.

    • Wow! Such a wise idea; I do like it and I do agree.

      Thanks dear


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