Even or Odd Posted by Sahar on June 27, 2011 If we have: "P= (n^3) + (n^2)" Namely:"P=(n*n*n) + (n*n)" And P is even, then, what can we say about n?Is it even or odd? You need to be a member of MyEnglishClub to add comments! Join MyEnglishClub Tags: mathematical Email me when people reply – Follow
Your grade is 20!
Well done!!
You've done it very well.
Hi Lady!
No! No!!
This isn't made by myself!
Believe me please!!
Even you can read its tag. I've written "Mathematical" there.
In fact "^" is the sign of power.
Also, I've added it in the question just now.
Thank you for your attention.
Both. n can be both even or odd;
P = n^2 *(n+1)
Either n+1 or n^2 must be even in order that P is even.So if n+1 is even, then n is odd.
And if n^2 is even, then n is even.
Thanks for the puzzle.
Well done, Zahra!
It is right exactly.
None of them!
5 more because of your good-inventive additional explanations that’s made me surprised!