
Son: Father, Can I ask you a question?

Father: Ok ask.

Son: When a doctor doctors a doctor, does the doctor doing the doctoring doctor as the doctor being doctored wants to be doctored or does the doctor doing the doctoring doctor as he wants to doctor.

Father: !!!??????!!!


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  • :)
    • :->


  • Do you know what I'm thinking?

    I think that it isn't a puzzle, because I'm seeing that it doesn't have any right answer in your idea and also you don't help with solving it.

    So, it is just a funny text.

    • It is a kind of talking as a puzzle . It needs times to find its meaning .

       Here is puzzle lover discussion and we should introduce all kind of puzzles here . Shouldn't we ?

    • Oh!! Sorry!


      Everything that you say is right!!

      Of course just today! Because it is your day! (Today is Fathers and men’s day in Iran)




      I just wanted that you help us with solving this puzzle by this comment, because I really don’t know what I should do with it.

      Yes, everyone is free to put every kind of puzzle here,  and it will make this group much nicer.

    • The Doctor will doctor that doctor as all doctors who should doctor everyone even a doctor . There is no different between a doctor or one who is not a doctor and also there is no different between doctors when they need a doctor.


      This is an answer.

      A son with this complicated question needs an answer of his father as complicated as the same .   :->

    • Oh!!

      Thank you!

  • He doing the doctoring her as he wants to doctor.

    Because if she was able to doctor herself, then she never went to the other doctor.

    • And now we have two puzzles . Lady's writings to explain the first one is the second puzzle !!!!!



    • Maybe it is a puzzle .

      His question is too complicated and I prefer to write  it here in Puzzle lover to decode it .

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