Scree [skri:]
A steep mass of detritus on the side of a mountain
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Airborne ['eərbɔ:rn]
1. Carried by the air, as pollen or dust.
2. In flight; aloft:
The plane was airborne by 6 o'clock.
3. Military:
(Of ground forces) carried in airplanes or gliders:
Airborne infantry
4. Aeronautics:
(Of an aircraft) supported entirely by the atmosphere; flying.
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Roils [rɔıl]
=>Verb (Used with object)
1. To render (water, wine, etc.) turbid by stirring up sediment.
2. To disturb or disquiet; irritate; vex:
To be roiled by a delay
(Used without object)
3. To move or proceed turbulently.